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JEFFERSON MEADOWS                                                                                CASE NO. SP1013
The Zoning Board of Appeals met on February 27, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall to discuss and review a plan for increased driveway width off Quinapoxet Street.

Members in attendance:  R. Spakauskas, S. Annunziata, F. Lonardo, J. Deignan and Robert Butler.

Mr. Carl Hultgren, Senior Engineer, from Quinn Engineering, Inc. addressed the Board.  In 2011, the Board granted a Special Permit to Jefferson Meadows to authorize the excavation and removal of sand and gravel.  Condition #8 of approval reads, “The access road should be constructed as depicted on the plan submitted with the applicant, subject to Conservation Commission approval”.  The Conservation Commission issued approval in April 2011.

At this time, the owner proposes to modify the approved driveway in order to allow for the con-struction of a 24-foot wide driveway due to a wetland crossing and to accommodate two-way traffic.  There will be no change in the use of the property.  

F. Lonardo expressed some concerns with the comments of  Isabel McCauley, Senior Civil Engineer, in her memo dated December 2, 2013 indicating a negative opinion on the approval of this driveway request.

Dennis Lipka, Building Commissioner, added that this is currently designed as a private driveway, not a public way.  The Engineering Department may feel that if this were converted to a residential subdivision, the roadway requirement would need to be a minimum of 28 feet.  However, that is not the plan at this time.

R. Spakauskas agreed that the Town Engineer based her comments on a future change in the use of this land.

Mr. Hultgren added that an application has been made to the Holden Conservation Commission requesting approval of the proposed driveway revision.  This process is ongoing.

The Board reviewed the plan that was submitted on December 12, 2013 showing the proposed driveway construction and unanimously agreed to approve this modification request.

                                                        Ronald E. Spakauskas, Chairman